

Dr. Rehana Lamisha Basri

Dr. Rehana Lamisha BasriBasri先生は平成16年4月~平成20年3月まで当科大学院に在籍し、「Clinical and genetic analysis on hereditary movement disorder」と題する学位申請論文にて博士課程を修了し、バングラディシュ(The Neurology Dept. of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital)に戻られました。

Memorable Life at Hokkaido University

Before I wrote my story, I would like to clarify my story name. Memorable four and half years, so there are two questions? One is, why I named memorable and another is which tenure. It's easy to tell you the tenure but never ending lots of beautiful moments, feelings that makes those days still memorable. The tenure of my memorable days was from 2nd October 2003 to 27th march 2008 in Japan. Those days are memorable for me because I passed those days with my Husband, friends and my honorable teachers specially Professor Hidenao Sasaki, Associate Professor Ichiro Yabe, Dr. Hamada, in Japan for a long while.

While stay in Japan, I enjoyed Japanese culture, food, beautiful snow and close friendship with lots of Japanese friends. Regarding culture, I love Kimono and about food Sushi and Sasimi was yummy. I am very much honored and feel proud that I was a PhD student of Hokkaido University, School of Medicine, in the Neurology Department. During my study tenure I learned interesting Japanese language and then I was familiar with Japanese patient and Neurology based research work. I was awarded Ajinomoto Scholarship, Otogawa scholarship and so on. I wrote four international articles which enriched our Neurology community. There were a lot of sweet memories but I can say in one word that it was my dream tenure of my life which made me always proud. My special thanks and heartfelt gratitude to my Professor Hidenao Sasaki, Associate Professor Ichiro Yabe and all faculty members of Neurology Department. Their support and hospitality is highly appreciated.

蔡 華英 (Cai Huaying)


私は、多様な原因により発症すると推定される封入体筋炎の遺伝学的背景の解明をテーマに研究を行っていました。その研究成果は、論文「Clinical, pathological, and genetic mutation analysis of sporadic inclusion body myositis in Japanese people」がJournal of Neurology誌に掲載されています。さらに、別の1編の論文を投稿中です。また、封入体筋炎についての学会発表を第52回と第53回日本神経学会学術大会において発表しました。なお、各種の脊髄小脳症の遺伝子診断とミトコンドリア病の遺伝子解析の技術も把握しました。ミトコンドリア病の遺伝子解析結果をめぐって1編の論文を投稿中予定です。留学で勉強した筋病理と分子遺伝子解析は神経内科専門医の研鑽に役立つと考えています。
帰国後、私は浙江大学医学部付属邵逸夫医院(Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University)で神経内科医として働きます。筋病理と遺伝子の研究を続けます。これからも、ご指導と交流を期待しています。

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